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Tales From This Universe and Beyond

wo weeks ago, I released my second book of poetry, In Life There Is No Escape, which is available in print ($7.95) and ebook ($3.95) formats from Amazon and is also part of Kindle Unlimited.


Today I'm excited to announce the release of my first book of short stories, Tales From This Universe and Beyond. This is a "short book of short stories," with eight bite-sized stories that range from horror to romance to science-fiction.


The inspiration for most of my short stories are the TV series, The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, X-Files, and Millennium, as well as books such as Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.


Rod Serling, Chris Carter, and Phillip K. Dick are all huge influences in my life, and while I know my stories pale in comparison to those created by these amazing writers, I hope you find them entertaining and thought provoking.


Tales from This Universe and Beyond is available as an ebook ($2.99) from Amazon and is also part of the Kindle Unlimited program.


I'd also like to mention my first book of poetry, In Letting Go, also available from Amazon in print ($9.95) and ebook ($4.95) formats and as part of the Kindle Unlimited program.


Gary Lucero

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Gary Lucero Writer Podcasts

I've released two podcasts so far. Both are generated by Google's NotebookLM, which uses AI to examine my book manuscripts and create professional sounding podcasts. The result is not as critical as real humans would be--these AI podcasters are very enthusiastic about my poetry! But the podcasts are entertaining and interesting and provide more valuable information about the content of my books.


As you see in the image above, the podcasts are available from a wide range of providers.




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In Life There Is No Escape

I've just submitted my new book, In Life There Is No Escape, to Amazon.com. It should be available in a few days.


This is a smaller book than In Letting Go, and it's razer focused on a man who has lost everything. As he slowly goes mad, he chronicles his feelings, exposing his loneliness and loss to the entire world.


It's a short collection of dark poetry that explores how one person can feel utterly alone in a world where billions roam its expanses daily. Where life should have been worth living, but instead, all has been lost and even death isn't forthcoming.


I had originally planned to release the book, The Unknown Race. The manuscript was complete and ready to go, but I lost my book designer at the last moment. So, I changed course, and this time around, I performed all the design work myself.


I also recently lost my editor (it's been a hellish winter!), so going forward I plan to continue handling all aspects of self-publishing. That might mean my books suffer in the quality department, but there's so much going on in my personal life right now, I can't take the time to look for anyone new.


Please check Amazon.com for In Life There Is No Escape and let me know what you think of it.


Thank you,
Gary Lucero

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